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Alienation BMX

Alienation BMX

Like most of the US companies Alienation has its heritage in sunny California. Alienation has gained fame in particular for their lightweight rims but they offer almost all components that hold frames, forks and handlebars together.

Alienation BMX FAQ

Alienation BMX stuff

Alienation BMX FAQ

Alienation History

Although just founded in 2006, the guys at Alienation are anything but amateurs in their field of expertise. Vice president Zach Taylor and Ryan Birk, general manager of marketing & distribution have already been closely working together at their former employer Sun Rims. Alienation is now their own lovechild and we are excited to see what they will do with it in the near future! By the way, Alienation is one of the few "true" BMX companies. Especially with their rims they serve both, the BMX freestyle as well as the BMX race segment.

Alienation BMX Parts

The Alienation Deviant rim was probably the most hyped product at the tradeshows in 2007. Besides the unusual design for BMX it was mostly the efficieny weight of only 300 grams that caused the excitement. Furthermore Alienation products stand out due to their proven design and a decent price-performance ratio.

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