Jonas Bader - Around the world trip - Interview

Jonas Bader - Around the world trip - Interview

Jonas Bader decided last year to do a trip with his bike around the world and visited countries like Mexiko, USA, Australia, New Zealand, Singapore, Bali, Tahiti, Portugal, New Caledonia and Spain. Now he is back in Berlin and brought us some fotos and words which we would like to share!

Yo Jonas, you just came back from a huge around the world trip. How did the idea of this trip came up to you?

I was looking forward to do a longer trip like that for quiet a bit,because i didn’t had to much time to travel while i took my studies for my bachelor exams in Stuttgart.For me traveling is an essential part that comes along with bmx.When i was young i already loved all those small trips to the neighboor villages and now im expanding haha.

By the way how long have you been traveling in total and wich countries have you been too?

In total its been a full year. My Goal was to see all 3 Mekkas of BMX. BARCELONA, CALI and Australia. And because i am going that far i made some stops in between: Portugal, Mexico, Tahiti, New Zealand, New Caledonia, Bali and Singapore.

How did you plan our travel destinations?

Like i said i had the master plan of going to BCN, CALI and OZ. I had the rough plan of a few other destinations, but most of them occurred spontaneous. I visited my brother in Portugal for example, who was on a Globetrotter trip with 2 Defhleffs together with Kilian and the two aussies Raph and Jerry. BEST TIME !

What role has played BMX for your journey and what expierences you could get from it?

BMX was a really important while my travels. I recon after a few months of traveling i would have been to bored without. At some point one is just done with all the tourist attractions. I just got sick of the smallest, biggest, narrowest, most blue, highest whats or ever of the world. Thats when i hopped on my BMX and had the best time of my trip and saw the world with a whole other perspective. Unfortunately those were the most honest and interesting experiences of the cities/countries, just cruising my bike and explore the hood.

You have send us also some pics from New Caledonia! How is the BMX szene there?

Sadly i didn’t ride my bike to much over there. I saw a few edits and so on of people from there. But during my stay i didn’t get to know someone. Most of the time i was hanging out with a skater / photographer that i met randomly. But the nature in New Caledonia is so astonishing that i was mostly surfing, snorkeling or diving, was a bit like holiday from my holidays haha.

Which spots, countries or city you could advise us?

I can advice you every single one! I guess its not about wich country you go to, its just about to break habits and go out there and do something different than on a normal day. Get your self in a new adventure and try something new. In the end its up to you if you have a good time, its possible in every country!

What are you doin now in Germany?

I just started to study again and take my master exams in architecture.

Would you like to say something else or do you want to greet someone?

First the standard THANK YOU to my parents and friends and all those who made my trip to what it was in any way! AWESOME. And of course a big thanks to you guys for keeping my bike always fresh as hell. Its not obligatory to get a new bike shipped to Australia! RESPECT.

And one more thing … Wendel hast a small ….. hahahahaha.

Thanks Jonas for your photos and your words Fotos!

Peace out Daniel !

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